Thursday, September 1, 2011

Post 3

Deciding your top three favorite movies is tougher than I thought. I think about movies I could watch over and over, without it ever getting old. I think about all the genres I like, comedy, horror, action, thrillers, but I still find it hard to settle on just three.
The first would have to be Goodfellas. This violent crime drama is the greatest gangster movie ever. I often wonder about all those people that love Scarface have ever seen this movie. It is perfectly acted, the transition through the years of the movies is seamless. You actually feel like you're getting an inside look at the mafia. No matter where I am, if this movie comes on, I watch it. The last time I saw Goodfellas was at a bar at midnight. I couldn't stop watching it.
Another great film is Coming to America. On paper, the plot sounds Disney-like. A young prince of a rich African nation, leaves his homeland and heads to America to find his true love. He disguises himself as a poor college student and tells no one of his royal lineage. That is where the Disney similarities end. This raunchy comedy is hilarious. Directed by my favorite director John Landis (he also directed The Blues Brothers and An American Werewolf in London) and starring Eddie Murphy, Coming to America is endearing and gut busting funny almost 25 years later.
The last of my favorite movies has to be Edward Scissorhands. This is another fairy tale like film about a young man created in a factory by a kindly old man (Vincent Price's last role). However, before the man is finished, the old man dies and leaves him with scissor hands. One day, after years of living in seclusion, he meets a mother selling Avon like beauty products. She takes him home and chaos ensues. Directed by Tim Burton, this movie feels like a mixture of horror, romance, and a children's movie.